December daily album from 2008

I also am using this layout for Frosted Designs challenge for tearing paper!
I would like to thank Sharon for giving me this blog award. I feel honored to receive it, especially for a second time. I love this blog and I love that you are loving it too!
Rules are that I need to post answers to the questions; however, I just posted them and not sure if you would like to read them again... so check out my answers here.

I am passing this award onto Buffy, Patty, Windy, Sarabeth and Jane.
Progress at the property... it was so nice seeing 1/2 of our roof done today! Three guys shingled 1/2 of our roof today. We wanted to go with a metal roof, but like I have said before sometimes you just need to make compromises and this is one of ours.
They were really funny. I don't know these guys and here I am trampling through the mud in my school clothes with a camera around my neck. I introduced myself and said hello. Of course the next words out of my mouth were "do you mind if I take a picture?" They replied with "Do you want us to pose?" I almost died laughing... I said, well you do what you want but it will end up in my scrapbook.. they then said, alright we will keep working! The other guys that work for us almost weekly have done some pretty fun poses that will show up in scrapbook pages in the future!
Do you see the guy laying in that tiny space? I commented on how I can't imagine doing what they are doing. I remember watching Brian roof our house that we rented about a year and 1/2 ago... it scared me watching them walk around on it. I am glad I wasn't there watching them put it on. The front of the roof and the other side are a much steeper pitch. The entire roof and siding will be done by these guys over the next week! Yeah for progress!
Behind the house.
View from the right side of the house... I don't get over there much due to mud right now. The dormer is our master suit. The window on the left is the bathroom window, then the his and her walk in closets are to the right.

My Scrap That Poetry challenge #3 is coming to a close, don't forget to stop by and enter a layout for "Where the Sidewalk ends". Also don't forget I am giving away a RAK to the winner which is new this month. You will be receiving one of my Campbell's Creations paper packs- it is a collection of Bobunny winter paper and embellishments.
I am currently getting ready for my favorite crop of the year, Kinnon Keepsakes Crop for a Cure! We crop for 12 hours to raise money for breast cancer services in the Lehigh Valley. This will be my 4th year attending with my mother in law! I love the people and the cause! This year lots of friends are joining me at the crop. I am sponsoring a prize for the chinease auction. There are card raffles and a quilt giveaway as well. Patty will be selling items from her etsy shop there this year as well. I can't wait to see my friends from Kinnon. I will have lots of layouts to post on Sunday as well as the winner of the Scrap that Poetry!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will post again on Sunday!
Tonight I am grateful for...
crops that raise money
great weather tomorrow
a fabulous Friday
scrapping with my friends
sunsets at the property
wow - what a post! :-)
thanks for bestowing the blog award upon me - how kind of you.
your house is looking awesome.... i'm living vicariously through your pictures - i love log homes!
see you saturday! ;-)
thanks so much for the award!!! you are tooo sweet :)
the house is just lovely-my aunt and uncle build their own log home in Maine and i just love it!!!
good luck :)
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with that mini and those lo's!!!! gorgeous!!!!!!!!! love love love love love the roof pics!!! soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute the guys wanted to pose for U! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Ok, first...thank you so much for the blog award!!! Honestly I hate answering the question thingies but I may give this one a shot!!!
Second, the LO's here are amazing I love the robot one,it's so CUTE!!
Third, your new house is going to be so beautiful!!!! I'm sure your excited about getting in there!!I could not do what those guys do!!! Awesome!! Thanks Jenn!!
A Roof! Yay! So happy for you!
Hi Jenn! I just found your blog today, I will put you in my favorites and I will keep on following!
See you tomorrow at the crop! :)
Thanks for the blog award!
Yeah for the roof going on! I would hate to be those guys though in this wind we are having high up on the roof.
Love the December Daily, I can't wait to complete mine this weekend!
I'm looking forward to 12 hours of cropping tomorrow! See ya then!
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