Friday, January 1, 2010


My One Little Word for 2010 is Persevere.
My "hope" for 2010 is to be able to have faith in my word and believe in it as whole heartedly as I did my word for last year which was gratitude! I have chosen an owl to represent my word.
Owls are wise and strong and that is what I think of when I hear the word persevere. Read more about my word here.I created this layout for 2 challenges. 1st- Scrap That Poetry
The poem for challenge #7 is Hope by Emily Dickenson.
Journaling reads: I hope to persevere during 2010 through all my obstacles! OLW
The next challenge that I created this for was Mission Create. I used their 5 concepts as the bones behind the layout.
1- Masking
2- Red
3- grid or ledger paper
4- strip journaling
5- stamping
I chose to use all 5 concepts in my layout!

The next layout I created is also for my OLW, as I plan to do a few to keep myself motivated this year!! I created this one using Sketchy Thursday's 12.31 sketch (which is one of my absolute favs and plan on using over and over).
Happy New Year!!!
{I cannot take credit for the owl pictures they were found on Google}- no author known.


Deborah Marasa said...

Thanks for playing along with MC! I love your layout. Your owl photos are beautiful!

Pat said...

Jennifer I love both your pages & that is a fantastic word you pick. I wish you a wonderful new year!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! these are just gorgeous jenn!!! wow wow wow wow wowwwwwwwwwwwww! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Vanessa said...

Wonderful are very creative!!

IAmMikki said...

I really love the way you did OLW layouts, those pictures are stunning!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Great layouts, you are so very talented and always inspirational to me!
Kim xXx

Jane F. Smith said...

The layouts are Gorgeous!!!!! I so love owls!!

Windy Robinson Life Handmade said...

Great layouts Jennifer! Happy New Year!

Kim said...

Love both of your pages!!!!

Penny Light/Light Whimsy said...

What beautiful layouts. I love that they are full of hope! Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so glad I reciprocated to see these fantastic photos!

Katrina Hunt said...

Neat layouts!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog during the SC blog hop this weekend!

Nicole Nowosad said...

Great page!! I love the masking on it!! THanks for doing our mission!

Ilene said...

Pretty LO, and good word for 2010. Good luck with it. Thanks for stopping by and participating in the SC Blog Hop!

Pink Blossom Creations said...

Great layouts photos are fab

Caroline x

Diana Fisher said...

I'm so glad you love this sketch!! It is a pretty versatile one! Love the page you made!! Thanks for playing along with us!!
-Diana, Sketchy Thursdays

heidi said...

Loving the owl pics!! Great job on both l/o's but I'm (of course) partial to the rockin' ST sketch one! Thanks for playing along with us!!

- Heidi, Sketchy Thursdays

Tessa Buys said...

Your owl photos are amazing! Thank you for sharing and playing!

Tessa, Sketchy Thursdays DT

Raechelle Bellus said...

this is wonderful! Great way to represent your word as well as nail out a few challenges!

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