Happy Halloween! Here are some exciting events that have happened over the last 2 days. On Thursday, Bryce had his Halloween Party and Parade at school. He was definitely overwhelmed. Grammy was Bryce's date for the party. He froze everytime he had to do something. He froze when he was supposed to go up and say who he was for Halloween, he froze when he was supposed to go find the person he came with, he was definitely overwhelmed with all the fun activities. He still seemed to have a good time.
Last night, we went to Dairy Queen with Pappy, She She, and Grammy. Then we went trick or treating with She She and Grammy around their neighborhood where they grew up.

Bryce was very into trick or treating tonight... he was so excited to go from house to house, which was a complete change from last week. While walking, he just sat down on the sidewalk and said he was "sweepee" or sleepy to all of us... it was cute, so we finished the houses on the way back to Pappy and She She. Clara loved walking through the leaves... she was gliding through them. I think that was her favorite part.

Yesterday, Bryce and Clara came to my school for our Halloween parade and to see Gavin and Faith in the parade. They barely recognized me as a kitten who lost her mitten.

Other exciting news... Clara has taken to being potty trained... She has been asking to go potty or telling us before she has to go... she had two huge successes yesterday... One was before coming to the parade at Aunt Amy's house, she wanted to go potty and did... and the other was while trick or treating at Pappy and She She's neighbors house... when we asked her to say trick or treat... she said "I have to go potty!" Too cute... we went and used the potty and she went and had a dry diaper!!! Yeah for Big Girl Clara!
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