Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is coming...

Home for the HolidaysI enjoyed creating this layout for a few challenges.
First, I used Sketchy Thursday's GDT layout sketch.
Challenge was to use at least 3 different pattern papers for 3 different lines.
Use 3 different clusters of embellishments.
The second challenge was for From Screen 2 Scrap. This is my 1st time participating with them.
Their criteria is:
use a Christmas song title for your title
use 3 or more Christmas embellishments
lots of colorful bling
"My favorite challenge" is for A Few of My Favorite Things: Favorite Holiday
It is a tie between Christmas and Birthdays for my I chose Christmas!
This picture is from last year's Christmas Eve when we made Rice Krispie Houses for Christmas breakfast. Bryce began asking when we are making them this year. You can't start a tradition unless you want to do it every year with him!
The 4th challenge that this layout fits into is for Frosted Designs- Happy Holiday Challenge.
Check out all these great challenges as well as stop by and play along with Scrapping the Music and Scrap That Poetry!!! I can't wait to share the newest challenge for Scrap That Poetry on the 15th!
Some pics for my December Daily album...
Happiness is playing in your parents PJ pants!!!
My Mother in law and I were laughing so hard when they came down the stairs in these!
They looked so cute!!!
Getting ready to go decorate our Gingerbread Houses...
Before we began
Proud decorator!
Pure joy!
Santa visted our Gingerbread House Building at preschool.
They both were excited to see him this year and couldn't wait until it was their turn to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas.
Clara- Barbie makeup table... (she is my girly girl)
Bryce- California toy (that is his Brycism for Transformer- not sure where it came from but it is what he calls them now... along with Chickadonalds is McDonalds) I love his Brycisms!

Tonight, the kids helped my in laws decorate their Christmas tree...
good news they don't mind clusters of ornaments on their tree.
Once again this year, they still love to do groupings on the tree rather than spread out the ornaments!

Clara came up with her own word tonight "Sweety Bird" instead of Tweety Bird!!!
I love this age!
Pop Pop and Ticklebelle (AKA Clara)
Grammy and Bryce


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

omygosh!!!! JENNIFER!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this LO!!!!!! WOWWWWWWW!!! I love love love love that photo and the fun holiday embellies...and the CIRCLES!!!! U know I'm OBSESSED with those!!!!!!!!!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE those photos...they are soooooooooooooooo ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):) Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for playing along with FAVE THINGS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

WOW Jennifer..totally LOVE your layout!LOve your design and the papers you used!
Gorgeous photo's you posted...such happy ones!
THanks so much for playing along with TAAFOMFT!

Diana Fisher said...

What a great page!!! I love the lo and also all of the cool pics! And thanks for the links to all of the challenges! There is also a challenge for making a LO about baking cookies and I have been looking for it all weekend. I should ask around, I really wanted to play that one!

Jocelyn said...

So very pretty and I love the pics of the family!!!!

Wishing you a great day!!! :-)

Bekka said...

This is so sweet! Great layout! Thanks so much for joining us!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh seeing these shots makes me want a baby so badly. I only get to have little snippets of this kind of fun with my little nieces and nephews. Hopefully we'll get to do our gingerbread house this weekend. Your photos are darling and know you had a terrific time!
Kim xXx

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