Monday, December 28, 2009


Announcing my One Little Word for 2010- Persevere
Wow, was that easy to choose... with everything going on in my life right now... I need this word more than ever.
Persevere- to persist in anything undertaken, maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or disencouragement; continue steadfastly.
Synonyms- continue, hang on, endure, maintain, pursue, continue, keep on, hang tough
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Perseverence is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." Newt Gingrich
"With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverence, all things are attainable. " Thomas Foxwell Buxton
I challenge you to join me in choosing a word that you will keep as your word for 2010. Last year, my word was gratitude. You can tell by reading my posts that I have been listing the numerous things that I am grateful for in life.
Read more about OLW here or her newest post here.
Leave me a comment with what word you choose.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! that is an amazing word jennifer!!! wow!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i have had MANY highs and MANY lows in 2009 ... (well ... ok... one BAD low...the house getting robbed...but that one took so MUCH of ME away....I can't even explain it...)......sooooooooooooo i think my OLW for 2010 is going to be STRENGTH... i need to get that back...emotionally and physically.......yep... STRENGTH...that's my OLW for 2010 :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Kim said...

awesome choice of words.... and I love your quotes too...
I have been thinking a lot about this and I think this year mine will be Faith. I am going to blog about it sometime this week.

Jessica Wilson said...

Oh, I definitely wnat to do this!! I just need to pick a word!! I'll try to get on that later. I'm babysitting our niece this morning, and trying to get some dishes done. Oh My Goodness, I love seeing everyone's words on here too!! I love Julie's and Kim's. Faith is a great one. I'll talk to you soon! Love, Jess

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I know that you and your family will persevere and great things will happen in 2010.

My word is Faith also...must be a Kim thing. :) I want to build a stornger relationship with God this year and I know with Faith All Things Are Possible! Hugs..
Kim xXx

Pat said...

Jennifer, I love your word & thanks for sharing this. I am going to do this challenge. My word is forgiveness.

Kim said...

just left you lots of love on all your amazing creations at Challenge Masters... you have been one crafty gal lately!!

Jscraps4u said...

Persevere! Cool word!!!!

I think I'm going for balance in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer- you are one of the most amazing people I know in my life. I truly hope the 2010 is the year for both of us. I really have faith because 10 is my lucky number.... I love that I was the one blessed to be your sister and my wish is to see something really good, happen to someone REALLY WONDERFUL!

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