Saturday, February 21, 2009

Clearing the property

Clearing out the Property

It has been a few months since Brian has worked on the property due to weather. He spent this morning and afternoon there clearing out many of the trees that were taken down due to possibly falling on our house. One of our favorite trees, a twin, needs to be taken down, but we are going to have it carved by an artist into a Mother bear and her cub and have it as a sculpture on the property. It will be one way that we get to keep the beauty of the tree without the possibility of it hitting the house. The foundation will be in by March 11th. That is only 18 days away. Wow, it has been awhile since I have been excited about this project. Check out some of the pictures from today.
We should have enough trees for all of our flooring on both the 1st floor and the loft and masterbedroom, as well as enough for the tongue and groove for the ceiling. Beautiful red oak, too!

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