Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Past few days
Brian and I have been using the Secret to our advantage in building this house. We now have official dates. The foundation will be put it on March 11th, the house is being dropped off the week of March 23rd, the house will be put up March 28th- 29th. We also found out that we are receiving the free kitchen from the person he works with. I can't wait to post those pictures!!! I am loving that we are trying to build our house as green as possible. This family is just getting rid of the kitchen to buy a new one and we are getting it for FREE!
I am currently working on projects for a design team call and for the store. Wow, I haven't had a moment to rest.
Bryce and Clara did not sleep last night. They both woke up many times.
Tonight I am grateful for...
beautiful kitchens being repurposed
children sleeping peacefully
parents (us) sleeping peacefully
getting a full nights rest
finishing my work that needs to get done
wonderful feedback about my soup challenge
Update on Soup Challenge. If you are participating by linking to my blog post, you must post your picture to my blog by Wednesday, the day before the class. I need time to print your picture to bring to class so you can be entered to win. You can post a link to your blog or online gallery to show your picture.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Campbell's Soup Challenge #1
The first class will take place on Thursday, March 19th 8-9 pm.
I am offering this first class free; it will regularly be $10. At the end, all participants will vote for one layout/card as the winner and he/she will be given a package of journaling sprouts.
You can begin working on a layout or card to bring with you. You may enter as many times as you wish.
The Soup Challenge Cards #1
~ Green
~ Circles
~ Stamps
~ 2 different pattern papers
Challenge- I give you the recipe to your card/ layout, an hour, and a winner will be chosen at the end. Use the above ingredients to create your card, 1 page or 2 page layout.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Makenna, Bryce and Clara

Clearing the property

Life is what you make it...
We decided to give this book to each member of our family for Christmas. My sister-in-law has loved and taken to the philosophy as much as we have since she received it. It is funny, everytime she sends out an email listing things-goals, etc... they are all things that I love to do. I am definitely a planner, so I have my life planned out years in advance. I have done this since I was a kid. For instance, my plan was to have my Master's Degree before we had kids. Currently, I almost have the equivelent of 2 1/2 Master's Degrees with all the classes I have taken. Funny thing is, I have only been teaching for 9 years. We planned out when we were having our children. Our lives have been falling into place as we have planned.
So here are the answers to the email that Amy sent out recently...
Goals for this year...
Be published at least 3 times
Be on 2 design teams before the end of the year
Create a challenge blog
Build my Campbell's Creations Etsy Store and kits sold at LSS.
By July, be moving into our cabin.
By the end of the year, have my scrapbook room built.
Before the new school year, buy my Jeep Commander.
By next spring, Brian will have finished building my Jeep Wrangler.
By the end of the school year, Clara will be fully potty trained. (She is currently 2 1/2)
Spend next Easter at Disney World.
Take lots of photography classes to learn lots more
Have a successful stand at Valley Forge Convention
Goals for 5 years from now...
Buy our 2 vacation homes (1 in key west and 1 log cabin on a lake up north)
Keep a boat at each of the vacation homes
Buy and rent out rental units
Be in the Scrapbooking field fulltime
Teach 1/2 day, just because I love my career!
Spend weeks at our vacation homes.
Cruise to Alaska
Cruise to Mexico
Be a retailer and be at CHA
Teach scrapbooking around the world
Be an advanced photographer
Goals by the time I am 40...
Have plenty of money invested for retirement and college funds.
Have our house we are building this March paid off
Foster parent
Please share your dreams, but most importantly know them for yourself and create your future to be what you want it to be.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Girly Girl

I am really enjoying my afterschool workshops. The girls in each of the workshops are wonderful, polite, young ladies. We are having a lot of fun. We still have 4 more weeks of the workshop.
I am grateful for a great class tonight, lots of kits selling (did I mention I have a great sale going... the cheapest the kits will ever go- $10 per kit), being able to create new kits with the fun, new, yummy products, the weekend coming up so that I can catch up on some sleep.
I am grateful for the Jillibean order being delivered tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
100th day

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The true test...

Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Gavin
Valentine's Day at my mom's house

Valentine's Day and gifts
Brian created me an acryllic album that he painted to say "home" He wanted to add pictures and stuff, but decided not to since it is what I love to do. We both gave each other similar albums and cards this year. Too funny.
Here we are on Valentine's Day... it is our 8th valentine's day together and one of my favorites. We went out to dinner at The Marblehead. I had "Lazyman's Lobster" it is lobster that is already shelled and baked in butter... yum. Next time I want to ask to have the butter browned. It was delicious. Brian had blackened steak. We went to the Promenade Shops to see a movie, but it was too busy. So we went to Aeropostale to catch the great sales. The kids went to "Chucky Cheese-its" if you ask Bryce. They had a wonderful time with Grammy, Pop Pop, Aunt She She and Pappy. Makenna and Gavin were there too! I am grateful that I enjoy Valentine's day now and don't dread it like I used too.
Things I am Grateful for...

~ I am grateful to have had today to spend with my children. We went on an alligator hunt. We read numerous books. We took naps! (me too) We did our "scrappin stuff."
~ I am grateful to have spent an hour watching my favorite show, House, with Brian.
~ I am grateful to have eaten 2 meals with Brian today, breakfast and dinner. I love that he works right outside and can join us for breakfast even while he is working.
~I am grateful that my strep throat has gone away. I woke up Friday morning with strep, got antibiotics by lunch and felt better by the evening. I had the weekend to recoop.
~I am grateful to have a new box of "Lemonades" to snack on... thanks Beth for selling Girl Scout Cookies at the store, it makes it really easy to buy lots of them this year.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1 step closer
Monday, February 9, 2009
Longing for Spring
Sunday, February 8, 2009
PJ day
I created a new kit to begin selling today. I made 8 and 3 were sold already today. They are on sale this week at 10% off. I made mine "10 things I love" I will post pictures tomorrow. I am exhausted and looking forward to sleeping as soon as I am done with this post.
The kids and I created Aunt Cathie's Birthday card tonight. Her birthday is Tuesday and we made cousin Gavin's card for this weekend. They had a great time... cute pictures to share of those...
(Sorry again, Aunt Shelley, no pictures of Brian- Can you tell we barely see each other right now?) I am looking forward to going out to dinner Friday night with him. We have reservations at the Marblehead which has excellent seafood.
I begin teaching my afterschool scrapbook workshops on Wednesday and Thursday... I know.. I know.. I am not busy enough, right. Well, my previous students asked me to teach it again... It is a 6 week workshop on both days right after school.
To Do list for tomorrow... begin Bryce's Valentine's cards and gifts... (can't wait to post a picture), and finish Brian's gift (I will post pictures of it too.)
Bye Bye for now...
New kit and more sledding