Sunday, March 29, 2009


Tonight I am grateful for..
sleeping children
Pajama crops
new inventory
finishing sample of kit
time to work on class samples
organizing my class stuff for thursday
creating pixie stick flowers for benefit
time to scrapbook
knowing people who can help us with our house (connections- we love to barter)
time laughing after the crop outside
Anger Management - Goooooosfraba!
dance ensemble
my family
my sister watching the kids for us to go to see the show
my dad and his help with the house
for how stong my mom is how she taught me to be strong (strength of all the women in my family) Every woman in my family has worked...
openmindness of people
spending time with Clara scrapbooking
reading bedtime books
Clara's incredible vocabulary
Bryce's incredible imagination
reminiscing college life
student teachers
quick trip to the grocery store
excellent sleep tonight...

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